Wednesday 8 December 2010

Returned from Rennes

A lot has happened and a lot of time has passed. The main thing is that I have discovered that Ordo Lupus really exists as an organisation. I am putting a link to them on the right.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Before I go to Rennes.

I am off on Monday to Rennes. I came across references to two new characters who I thought might be part of the whole story, in the book  about churches on Bornholm, which is co-written by Henry Lincoln. I  have had the book for years and I thought I had read it but I must have just glanced through it. The two characters are:

Bernard of Clairvaux
Basically he founded the Monastory of Clairvaux - he was a Cistercian (white) monk and hugely influential. For us the important bit is that in the year 1128, Bernard assisted at the Council of Troyes, at which he traced the outlines of the Rule of the Knights Templar, who soon became the ideal of Christian nobility.  He was very sympathetic to the Knights Templar and in fact viewed by many to be the de facto Grand Master for a while.


Bertrand de Blanchefort
I think it's obvious why I thought  he would be relevant because of the name Blanchefort.

I turns out that really neither is pertinent to our enquiries. Bernard, while he was very close with the Templars, actually preached against the Cathares and so I don't think he offers much of a connection between the Cathares and the Templars. As for Blanchefort, apparently the name is  misleading and Betrand had nothing to do with the castle at Blanchefort near Rennes.

I will be away for 3 weeks but since I will, no doubt, have a lot of information to collate when I return, I will probably not post until near the end of September.

Saturday 21 August 2010

Ten days to go

Ten days to  go until i visit Rennes-le-Chateau. I am particularly interesting in the Pas de Loop and the tombs which are of Cathares killed by Simon De Montfort. I still need a sponsor if anybody is interested but anyway there has  been some interest in my ideas so far on the Templars forum and the other Rennes-le-Chateau forum. I am still developing ideas but some clues have come out of reading Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate. I have deciphered another code now. I must say Lazlo Ferran has what I only recently learned the French call 'parchment hands'. That is that he writes with authority on historical matters.

I will try to post again before I leave.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Lazlo Ferran

I have just noticed that Lazlo has commented on one of my posts - the one for15 August 'The reversed Date' for which I am very grateful. Unfortunately you can't see the link very well. I must change the design so you can see comments.
His book is on amazon in paperback and Kindle (click the link below):

 Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate

Laying the foundations

Okay - I am getting a number of people asking me where I am getting my information from and what the background is to all this, so I think it's time for Chris to spill:

On my 16th birthday I was given 'They Key to the Sacred Pattern' by Henry Lincoln. Until then I really hadn't been  interested in history but suddenly I was - maybe it was the real prospect of treasure  but I think it is more than that. Anyway since then I have been studying with all my might this mystery and I even changed direction with my career and now I am studing History  at uni.

What I am looking for now is a partner - somebody with some money. Not a  lot but enough to pay for some equipment and research that we can do in Rennes itsself. I have  been there and I am going again in a few weeks time. But money is tight so if you are interested and you agree that I am on to something, get in touch.

I have gradually been developing this theory that the Cathares did not die out in 1244 but that they went underground and still exist in the region and in fact all over. I suppose this is not a new theory but I think they are behind a lot of the modern clues and mystery at Rennes Le Chateau.

Seeing Ben Hammott's website was a turning point for me. I thought how silly that you could see a pot of treasure through an opening  but could not reach it and then wrote a book as if somehow it were all suspended in time. Why didn't he go back? Why didn't he tell the authorities or take photos? It all seemed like it couldn't be true but then I thought what if it is like a deliberate tactic by some religious organisation to recruit new followers. What if the gold is really the  bait but not the point? I think people, too blinded by the lure and power of gold, are actually missing the point of what is going on here.  Plantard may have  been a fake or haoxer but he may also have been a Cathar sympathiser who was instructed to deposit the Dossieres Secret in the library in Paris. Maybe it's all deliberate.

New line of Research
I realised recently that I had to find someone who might be a Cathar and probe them. Some think that the Cathares became Knights Templars or at least that the Knights Templar sheltered the Cathares  but of course they came to an end just over a century later. So perhaps they then  became Free Masons? Or something else?
Anyway at last I have a lead. I came across a book written by somebody claiming to be descended from a noble family in the region, one of whom in the 15th century was accused of something obscure by the Catholic Church in France and made to pay a fine for the rest of  his life, each year. He also inherited a similar mysterious fine from his father which was so large that it had to be split among his siblings.
Now the person writing this book does not use his real name but on his blog he gives links to all the documents which record his genealogy and it all checks out. The family is the La Moignon family in France which were Lords of the area around Nevers from the 13th Century onwards (the first was Guillaume, a Knight) and later they were very close to the Royal Family. According to his site, one of them Guillaume Cretien Malherbes de La Moignon personally defended Louis VI during the revolution but was executed. Since then the family has become obscure but a descendent of the one who might have been a Cathar Robert La Moignon was probably a Protestant (remember the Cathares were proto-protestants, according to most religious historians) and fled to England with the Huegenots, from whom the writer is descended through a well-documented line.

The book which is now my source
He has written a book called Ordo Lupus and the Temple gate. At first it just looks like fiction but this is just a cover. I only read the book after reading his blog and seeing that there might be hidden clues in the book if he knew anything. The first thing to say is that he openly has a theory that William the Conqueror was a reincarnation of Dagobert II. Now this holds up  because both of them were possibly born bastards (Dagobert was abandoned by his 'mother'  in favour of an adopted son, which may think indicates that Dagobert was not hers) and both came to power though a labyrinthine political path. Dagobert was possibly the last Holy Roman Emperor and believed then to be a descendant of the blood line of Mary and William (or Guillaume to give him his proper French name) had his coronation on Christmas day in Westminter Abbey, indicating that he believed himself to be of the same blood line. Now I am not saying Dagobert and Guillaume were holy but they believed they were.
Moreover Dag-obert means bright of day or day- bright and Ro-bert means fame-bright. I think you can see the connection there and that 'bright' may well indicate some special light.
All this got me thinking about this book Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate.

I was thinking that all the books that have been written  about Rennes le Chateau are probably by outsiders who have bought the snippets of clues they have been sold by this Secret Society of Cathares (I don't know their name yet) but if one of the society themselves were to write a book would they openly discuss clues? I don' think so. I think they would claim it was fiction but subtly hide clues.
The first thing that occured to me was that Ordo Lupus of the title might be an anagram. Almost immediately I thought of Montsegur and if you take the title Ordo Lupus Temple Gate (and leave out the words 'and the' which have no direct latin translation anyway) you can indeed get Montsegur and many other phrases but a few stand out:



(Interestingly Delta Pole comes out as the same in both French and English anagrams)


Now I was really intrigued. I have  bought the book and now I am on Chapter 4. There are other clues on the cover and the back cover which I won't discuss here. Basically each chapter has a secret code under the Chapter heading. The author is very open about it (his name is Lazlo Ferran - not his real name but you can see that Lazlo is like Lazarus and Ferran is like France) and there are ten codes plus the title. I believe there is a twelfth code hidden somewhere in the book.

What is the book about?
Basically the book is about a guy with special powers who finds wolf statues during the war and his daughter is murdered by a serpent-like monster (I haven't got that far yet) and he tries to track down her killer. There is a secret crypt in a cathedral but I think that is just a diversion. I don't think the story is the main point (*although it is very well-written and probably a serious book if you like that sort of thing - stories about vampires and serpents). I am not sure I believe there is Lycanthropy connected with the Cathares but Lazlo Ferran claims one of his ancestors was called Loup Le Moignon (Loup means wolf in French).

The Secret Codes
These are really hard to decipher - almost  impossible. I have only solved one so far and it took me over two weeks to do it. It represents esoteric knowledge if you solve it and  basically talks about combatting the Devil. I won't show it here but  if I have a partner I will share the knowledge I find in the book. Anyway I would be interested to talk to anybody else who has solved any of the codes in the book.

That is all for now. I will discuss more later on.

Monday 16 August 2010

Discussion on the Knights Templar forum

I just posted a response to this excellent posting on the Knights Templar forum (link below):

The Great Secret of the Knight Templars

The barrel-vaulted roof of the Chapel, from east to west comprises sections of carvings of Daises, Lilies, Flowers, Roses and Stars. - The daisy has many white petals, the backs of which are tipped with pink, its centre has a large yellow (gold) head … white surrounding gold. The white Templar Mantle has a large red Latin cross on the back. - The Lilies … St. Matthew, and why take ye thought for raiment. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Sir William St Clair introduces King Solomon … and Solomon built a Temple. - The Flower panel is left for the moment … we move to the Rose panel. - In the Song of Solomon ... I (Solomon) am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys. It is once again Solomon and a link with the Lilies and a valley … (the valley of the River Sals). - With the ‘Stars’, there are Angels, the Sun, Moon, a Dove, Jesus himself and what looks like water. In Luke’s Gospel ... Now when all the people were baptised, it came to pass that Jesus also being baptised, and praying, the heavens was opened and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a Dove upon Him and a voice came from Heaven. Jesus (St. Nazaire), and the river Sals at Rennes les Bains (a Spa).
The Daises say, ‘Templar and Gold’ ... The Lilies and Roses point to Solomon and the ‘Temple at Jerusalem’. The Star section tells us of ‘Jesus and bathing’. Putting the Daisy, Lilies, Roses and Star panels together the (Key) message may be read as …
The Knight’s Gold from the Temple of Solomon is in the Church of St. Nazaire Et Celse at Rennes les Bains.
The Flower Section is between the ‘Roses’ and the ‘Lilies’, both referring to Solomon. The arrow-headed pendant boss suspends from the arch separating the Roses and Flower section. Knight and Lomas describe the centre of the invisible Seal of Solomon as being on the floor of the Chapel immediately below the suspended boss.
The Flower section points us to the vaults beneath the Chapel. In Psalm 103 verse 15. … As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. … In St Matthew … wherefore, if God so clothe the grass (flowers) of the field, which to day is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven … the fireplace that is in the Sacristy. (The Apprentices Pillar also holds a clue). A John Slezer, writing in 1693, knew of bodies of the barons of Rosslyn found well preserved after four score years in the vaults … the Ark was not mentioned.
Sir Walter Scott’s epic poem, ‘The Lay of the Last Minstrel’ – “Seemed all on fire that chapel proud, where Roslyn’s chiefs uncoffin’d lie. Each Baron, for a noble shroud, Sheathed in his iron panoply. Seemed all on fire within, around, deep sacristy and altars pale. Shone every pillar foliage bound (Apprentices Pillar), and glimmered all the dead men’s mail. Blazed battlement and pinnet high, blazed every rose-carved buttress fair. So still they blaze when fate is nigh, the lordly line of high St. Clair” … And when fate was nigh, the fire was lit in the fireplace in the Sacristy.
Sir Walter Scott knew the way down into the vaults below the Chapel was via the fireplace in the Sacristy, he was privy to the innermost secrets of the Templars.


‘The Secret Church, the Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau’

Geoffrey - that was a really cool post. I agree with you on most points and that is one of the most thorough analysise of the symbology of the Templar literature in Rennes that I have read.
Of course there is no doubt that the templars were in and around Rennes. I have so  many thoughts - hard to get them all down here. I have been researching the subject  myself for years now and have been there because I read the book by Ben Hammott and I believed at one point most of what he was saying. The reason I believe it still is because my research too has led me to  believe that the treasure [i]was[/i] near Rennes.

You say: "The Knight’s Gold from the Temple of Solomon is in the Church of St. Nazaire Et Celse at Rennes les Bains." I am not yet sure of the precise location but you may be right. It [i]may[/i] have been there  until 1891 but now it has been moved.

Not enough discussion has centred around whether the Templars were sympathetic to the Cathares and whether in fact the treasure of the Templars is the same as that smuggled out of Montsegur in 1244 just before the end of the siege. I believe it was the same and an enormously fabulous treasure but somehow this has since been converted into great amounts of gold.  Furthermore somebody, and I think probably descendens of the Cathares or Knights Templar (Knights Hospitaliar?) are in control of  it and use it  as a lure for new recruits. This is what Ben Hammott saw. Nothing else can explain why so many people have witnessed treasures in different places at different times and yet nobody has said they have the whole treasure. It is just bits and pieces here and there.

I think there were 12 pots of gold placed around Rennes and enough clues provided that only people with the right esoteric, religious knowledge and  right attitude can find it and then they only find a small part - enough for them to get rich themselves and take the first step to  joining the 'elite'. They then eventually help recruit others by topping up the pots of gold. I am going to explore this much more on my own blog at [url][/url].

Sunday 15 August 2010

The reversed Date

I have been trawling through this site today which is really good for information although I don't necessarily agree with its conclusions:

Priory of Sion website

I have also been thinking a  lot about the 'reversed number' of1891

I am quoting from another site here. Why 1891? Because the epitaph of the marquise clearly indicates this date. Since her death occurred in 1781, the inscription should have read
but Antoine Bigou intentionally engraved XVII JANVIER MDCOLXXXI, replacing the second century with a 0, which does not exist in Roman numerals. Therefore we skip it te read MDCLXXXI :1681. If we use this 0, which reminds us of the zero meridian which passes through both St.Sulpice and Rennes-les-Bains, as épivot, to turn the date around, we get 1891 instead of 1681.

I just don't buy it myself. I mean the number has to be twisted and not reversed. ie it is reflected in both planes and I don't see how the Meridian could be used as a clue to tell you to reflect in both planes. Surely a Meridian would only suggest reflecting in one plane.

Also I checked on Google maps and Rennes is not exactly on the zero meridian line as many claim - it is actually 2 degrees and 15 seconds east.

Saturday 14 August 2010

First Blog on my passion - Rennes-le-Château Treasure

Hi all
This is my very first blog on my passion - the lost Treasure of Rennes-le-Château.

For years I have been studying this. I read most of the books by Henry Lincoln  and I have actually  been to the area last year and walked around in the hills and made some discoveries of my own. I am wanting to know if there are more people out there who have done research and I want to coordinate the effort in the UK. Let me know if you have an interest so we can combine forces.

That's it for now.
Chris Blake